New Student Welcome Information
We are glad you are part of our Wildcat family! While we are a large high school, there are many opportunities for you to explore and connect to your school community.
We are committed to building an anti-racist environment to provide you with inclusive, equitable, and safe educational experiences to which you are entitled. In all we do, we strive to ensure you are welcomed, valued, and heard.
Our primary goal is to help all you be successful, so we’ll start with some basic information to orient you to your new school.
- Quick Facts
- Academic Opportunities
- Athletics, Activities & Clubs: Get Involved
- Back to School Information & Calendar
- Daily Schedule & Lunch Periods
- Interpretation Services/BSD's Multilingual Department
- Organization Tip: One Binder for All Classes
- Parent & Student Apps and Resources
- Transportation/Bus Routes
- Westview Resources
Quick Facts
Student enrollment: Around 2450
Teachers and Staff: Around 140
Average class size: 35
# of Languages spoken by families: 67
Start Time: 7:45am Dismissal: 2:30pm
School colors: Red, Navy Blue & Silver
Mascot: Wildcat
Class schedule: 8 classes per semester on a block schedule, or 4 classes every other day.
Lunch: Westview has 2 lunch periods per day, 1st and 2nd lunch. We are a closed campus.
Average number of clubs each year: 50+
# of Athletic Teams: 14 and 3 community sponsored clubs sports (water polo, lacrosse and unified sports)
Common Access Tutorial/Advisory: 9th-11th graders will have a common Access Tutorial period 8.
Wildcat Weekly: Your Principal, Mr. Matt Pedersen, sends this newsletter to families on Friday afternoon. Or, check our website directly for his Newsletter, under the “About Us” tab on the Westview website.
IDs, Textbooks, ChromeBook: You can obtain all of these items in our Westview Library.
Tech Help: Visit your Westview library for assistance.
Academic Opportunities
One of the perks of being a student in a large school district is we can offer a wide variety of classes and programs, including
Career Pathways that you can choose to explore in the areas of the arts, business, health services, human resources, manufacturing, engineering and natural resources. While not a graduation requirement, completing one or more Career Pathway helps focus your educational plan and earns you recognition at graduation.
Career Technical Education programs explore a variety of career interests, turning passions into paychecks and dream careers, such as Manufacturing, Digital Media, Hospitality & Tourism, Business & Marketing, Early Childhood Education, Health Careers, Automotive Technology and more.
Dual credit classes, or classes where you can earn high school and college credit at the same time, usually for free or at a low cost.
Advanced Placement, or AP, classes, or college level classes at Westview, where there is a potential to earn college credit at a reduced rate.
A range of elective classes at Westview in the areas of business, language arts, social studies, world languages, music, theatre, visual arts, family and consumer science, manufacturing and technology, AVID program (prepares students for college readiness and success) and more.
Athletics, Activities & Clubs: Get Involved
Westview offers a wide variety of activities to enhance your academic experience. Athletics (sports), activities (like drama, music, newspaper), and clubs (we have around 50+ every year) will help you discover talents and interests as well as meet new people.
Every year in October, we have Club Rush, an opportunity to learn more about the clubs available during the year. After October, for Club Information visit our Activities Office in N131 or check out Canvas or WHS Club pages.
We offer fall, winter and spring sports. If you have any questions about athletic fees and eligibility, visit the Athletic page and/or visit the Athletic Office.
Back to School Information & Calendar
The Beaverton School District will update this webpage throughout the year and offer helpful information, FAQ’s and district resources, including about masking guidance and safety protocols.
The Beaverton School District has the current and following year school calendar available in 9 languages.
Daily Schedule & Lunch Periods
Period 1/2 | 7:45-9:12am |
Period 3/4 | 9:20-10:47am |
Period 5/6 | 1st Lunch 10:47-11:17am |
Class 11:25-12:52am | |
Class 10:55-12:22pm | |
2nd Lunch 12:22-12:52pm | |
Period 7/8 | 1-2:30pm |
Your lunch period is determined by the location of your period 5 class on A days and your period 6 class on B days. You might have a different lunch on A days than you have on B days.
You can bring your own lunch or eat a free meal in the cafeteria. You can eat in the cafeteria, outside, and in other designated areas of the school. We are a closed campus, so you cannot leave during your lunch period.
Interpretation Services/BSD's Multilingual Department
The Multilingual Department provides qualified language assistance services to parents and ensures they have adequate notice of and meaningful access to information about all BSD programs, services and activities. Translation and Interpretation services are provided for parent-teacher conferences, special education meetings, discipline meetings, counseling appointments, home visits, and phone calls.
There are 12 bilingual facilitators in the Multilingual Department who are responsible for providing district-wide translation and interpretation services in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese.
There are 17 Spanish-speaking bilingual facilitators responsible for strengthening home-school connection at the middle and high school levels in addition to providing school-specific translation and interpretation services.
Organization Tip: One Binder for All Classes
Organization is a skill. Just as any other skill, it must be learned and practiced. At Westview, we encourage (not required) all students to use the organization system called the Westview Binder. It is a simple and affordable research based system and is made from the following items:
- One 2-3 inch three-ring binder
- 2 dividers for each class
- A zipper pouch for writing utensils, erasers, and highlighter
- Loose leaf notebook paper
- 2 pens, 2 pencils, 1 highlighter
- Planner
NEED SUPPLIES? We have a Westview Cat Cave/Clothes Closet, which as school supplies, clothing, coats, shoes, household items and more. Please see your school counselor or WHS social worker for assistance.
Parent & Student Apps and Resources
Students can access apps such as Canvas, StudentVue, Gmail and much more.
Check out Westview's College and Career page for resources and information to guide your post high school planning.
Parent/Guardian Apps and Resources
The Beaverton School District has many apps and information for parents and guardians, including but not limited to
ParentSquare: is a simple-to-use platform that provides a safe way for everyone at a school to connect. With ParentSquare, you'll be able to receive messages from the district and school via email, text or app notification; choose to receive information as it comes or all at once at 6 p.m. daily; communicate in your preferred language and more.
ParentVue: a web portal that allows parents and guardians to access real-time information related to their students, including attendance, calendars, emergency contacts, grades, report cards, schedules, and school information. Access to ParentVUE requires a username and password, which parents/guardians set up with an Activation Key code. If you have questions or would like assistance with ParentVUE, please contact your child's school office.
Canvas: is used by all high teachers as an extension to in-class instruction. Teachers using Canvas can post assignments, give feedback, and communicate with students. Also, we post a wide variety of information on Canvas for students such as school wide announcements, grade level specific information, college and career information, counseling information and so on. Parents or guardians do not need a Canvas account to monitor student progress. You can continue to use ParentVUE. However, you can create a Canvas account to view more detailed information.
College & Career Information: The Beaverton School District is committed to supporting students and families to achieve post high school success. The College and Career Counselors and Specialists provide a series of informational nights to help students and families explore and prepare for post high school options.
Check out Westview's College and Career page for resources and information to guide your student's post high school planning.
Transportation/Bus Routes
Students eligible for Transportation Service will be assigned a bus route and a bus stop. In general, secondary students who live more than one and one-half miles from their school of residence will be eligible for transportation services.
The Beaverton School District allows parents to view student bus route information through the E-Link Application. Routing Data is updated every Saturday at 3:30 AM.
To Log in: User Name: Enter your student's 6-digit ID number
Password: Enter your student's birthdate in the format mmddyyyy - For example, enter 05052003 for a birthdate of May 5th, 2003
Westview Resources
Need Supplies? We have our own Cat Cave and Clothes Closet. Contact your school counselor or social worker for assistance.
Your student’s teachers, counselor, support staff and administrators are all here to support you. Please let us know if you have questions or need assistance with anything.
You are assigned to a caseload counselor. The counseling department has 2 full-time social workers, 8 caseload counselors, a College & Career Counselor and staff member, a Registrar, Outreach Specialist, 5 Graduation Mentors and Receptionist. We support all students in the areas of academic achievement, career readiness, and social/emotional development while partnering with you, teachers, and our Westview community.
We also have a wide range of academic and personal resources, including
Westview’s Cat Cave provides access to clothing, school supplies, shoes, personal care items and more. Please see your counselor or our social workers for more information.
Our social workers can link you to community resources such as food, mental health and medical providers.
BSD McKinney-Vento program for families experiencing housing difficulties may assist families with registering students for school, transportation to and from school, and other services.
Westview's Common 8th period Access Tutorial offers students opportunities every other day to access additional supports from teachers, counselors and support staff.
Westview’s Wellness Room is a calming, safe space for you to take a brief break from class when needed.
Visit our Counseling webpage and Canvas page for academic, mental health, & school and community tips and resources.