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Beaverton Schools

Academic Planning Guide

Gaining independence, continuing your education, and finding a career – those are some of the options available to you once you leave high school. Carefully use the information presented below to develop an academic plan for high school graduation, consider your goals for your future after high school, and thoughtfully select courses that will help you achieve those goals and plans.
Make every effort to take advantage of the opportunities to educate yourself about your choices by getting input from your teachers and parents regarding the level and types of classes that will help you reach your goals, and seek your counselor’s guidance regarding course prerequisites, possible sequences, and post-high school planning.
Choose courses carefully. Students are expected to accept and complete the classes they request during the Spring Course Selection Process. There is a last look in April. Once that last look window closes, no other class changes from students or parents are available. For current course selection information, click HERE.