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Beaverton Schools

School Improvement Plan

Strategic Plan Goal Area 1:   Safe & Thriving

Strategic Plan Outcome: Every student thrives socially and emotionally. 

Strategic Plan Measure:  % of students reporting there is at least one adult who really cares about them.

School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely):  By the end of the 2024-25 school year, as measured by the annual student survey, at least 90% (7% increase) of all students will report there is at least one adult who really cares about them. 

Strategic Plan Strategy:  Create a safe school environment, where community is built intentionally through all student interactions. A schoolwide commitment to learning our students and using restorative approaches when possible.


Strategic Plan Goal Area 2: College and Career Ready

Strategic Plan Outcome: All students graduate and successfully complete dual language, dual credit, AP, IB and/or CTE courses.

Strategic Plan Measure: 

% of students earning a diploma in four years.


School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): 

The number of students earning a four year diploma will grow by 5% compared to their class’ 9th grade on-track indicator.
Strategic Plan Strategy:  

Support 9th grade teams and intentionally focus on student groups where our data indicates disproportionate levels of success and engagement.